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SAC Event: 'Active Citizenship in Context': Disability Advocacy, Empowerment & Respect

16 August, 2022

Join us at our panel event, hosted by the McCusker Centre for Citizenship Student Advisory Committee.

'Active Citizenship in Context': Disability Advocacy, Empowerment & Respect

  • Date: Tuesday 16 August 2022
  • Time: 1pm-2:30pm
  • Location: Woolnough Lecture Theatre
  • Register: Current McCusker interns are to register via CAS. For all other attendees, please email

‘Disability’ refers to a range of circumstances and conditions which affect the lives of 4.4 million Australians. This event provides an overview of disability in Australia, and explores issues central to life with a disability, to promote awareness and respect.

People living with disabilities face a range of unique problems, including funding. Living with disabilities is inherently more expensive and necessitates extra costs. This presentation aims to provide awareness about equality, and a brief overview of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

The purpose of this event is to provide awareness of the nature of disability, and its impacts on everyday life. Ultimately, this event will facilitate understanding of the experience of people with disabilities, ensuring that they are treated with dignity and respect.

We hope to see you there!

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