
Get involved in 2025

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship Alumni Committee is currently taking expressions of interest from both current UWA students and UWA graduates for the 2025 Committee. Please email the Centre at if you would like to find out more.

In response to student and graduate feedback, the McCusker Centre for Citizenship Alumni Committee was established in mid-2019.

Our Alumni Committee consists of current UWA students and graduates who have completed a McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship or unit. The Alumni Committee meets approximately once a month to plan events and opportunities for alumni to network, upskill and contribute towards the community.

Alumni events

In 2019, the McCusker Centre for Citizenship Alumni Committee received a UWA Alumni Grant to support events. Since then, the Alumni Committee has held a series of events aimed at bringing together interns, alumni and community partners to network and explore active citizenship.

Events have included the inaugural 2019 networking event, Catch-Up & Connect, with more than 70 students and members of partner organisations in attendance, a networking sundowner in 2020 exploring how community leaders stayed active in their communities and adapted during the COVID-19 pandemic, a panel event in 2022 spotlighting local community leaders doing valuable work in the social impact space, and a 2023 panel event held in the lead-up to the Voice referendum.

Divya Bappoo

Analyst, Social Ventures Australia

Master of Applied Finance 2021

In my work I am able to strive to influence and inform policies and systems to create better outcomes, particularly for those in vulnerable population groups... My internship helped me understand how I can translate my passion for making meaningful change in the world into a career.

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Riley Dolman

West Kimberley Area Manager, Garnduwa Amboorny Wirnan Aboriginal Corporation

Bachelor of Science 2018, intern and Student Advisory Committee member

My experiences with Fair Game throughout regional and remote WA gave me a new perspective about the work that is being done with communities. This also provided me an understanding of where my skill set could be applied in a really effective way.

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Lucas Roosendaal

Solicitor, Legal Aid WA

Juris Doctor 2022, intern and Student Advisory Committee member

An internship can expose you to people, places, and ideas that you likely wouldn’t otherwise encounter... Now, as a Solicitor for Legal Aid WA, I act for people living with disabilities – helping clients access their review rights, with respect to the NDIS decisions which profoundly impact their lives. The work is exciting, interesting, and incredibly rewarding.

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