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Exchange student helps make a UK University more inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities

22 August, 2018

UWA Commerce student, Ming Luo, has already made significant contributions to increasing accessibility, inclusion and employment for people with disabilities through her community work. Keen to broaden her knowledge and experience, Ming successfully applied to undertake the McCusker Centre for Global Citizenship Exchange Program at Durham University, UK. Ming was eager to explore the issues that people with disabilities face in other parts of the world and how inclusive their local environment is.

At Durham University, Ming spent two months reviewing and enhancing the Careers and Enterprises Centre's recruitment initiatives for diversity and inclusivity in the workforce, helped to create a disability guide for the Centre, and made recommendations for improving the Centre’s diversity and equity website.

Ming also conducted an accessibility review for St John’s College at Durham University and ran an interactive workshop about disability awareness for the College’s postgraduate students and staff members. The workshop gave participants a better insight into what it might be like to live with various disabilities. Ming also surveyed and reported on staff and postgraduate volunteering programs, highlighting the barriers people experienced with the programs.

Alongside the Exchange program, Ming has taken every opportunity to explore the United Kingdom through travel and learning about its varied history and culture. Relishing chats with colleagues and students and creating unforgettable experiences by using her weekends to travel, Ming says: ‘I have received far more than I had expected from the Exchange Program. I have learnt a lot about the UK and its culture through my work and research, and office chats with my colleagues. I have also gained valuable work experience, skills and confidence’.

Exploring the concept of global citizenship, Ming says: “to me, it means playing a role, in whatever capacity you can, to fulfil the cheesy line of ‘making the world a better place’. And Ming did just that during her time on Exchange.

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