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Marina to travel to India on Pollinate Student Fellowship program

6 December, 2023

Marina Du Toit is studying Biomedical Science at UWA, with double majors in Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing, and Anatomy and Human Biology, and was recently selected as the next participant in the Pollinate Student Fellowship.

Having completed an orientation online, she is set to travel to Bangalore, India in January 2024. She will be the only UWA student joining a small group of university students from around the world to work with the Pollinate Group, supporting women in very disadvantaged communities develop economic independence through sustainable social enterprise.

We asked Marina why she had applied for the Pollinate Student Fellowship, and what she was looking forward to with the experience…

“The opportunity to gain international experience, especially in India, is invaluable to my education and understanding of how I can refine my skillset in a way that makes the most impact in areas of need.

I'm hoping to gain a global perspective on public health and how all parts of life contribute to health and wellbeing. I think for us who are privileged enough to live in Perth, it can be hard to imagine the magnitude of how things we take for granted in everyday life can affect our health and wellbeing.

I am looking forward to learning about and immersing myself in different aspects of culture in India. I think it is also imperative that I learn from communities and mindsets that are different to what I'm surrounded in in Perth and push myself to form a global perspective.

I was also motivated to apply for the Fellowship because of an amazing internship I undertook through the McCusker Centre with Fair Game. My experience working with Fair Game and in Disability support has allowed me to be more comfortable with the idea of working in sometimes confronting circumstances.

I think this experience will help me to approach the Pollinate Student Fellowship with resilience and patience, and open-mindedness to the fact that the way I think not only will, but also should, change because of the Fellowship experience.”

Marina will be in India over January and February, and we are looking forward to sharing more from her experience in Semester 1. 

Visit our Global Opportunities page to find out more about the Pollinate Student Fellowship, available to UWA students through the McCusker Centre for Citizenship.

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