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Renée puts postgrad-level skills to use connecting volunteers and students

29 August, 2024

Renée Lau, a UWA Master of Business Psychology student, has been nominated for the McCusker Centre for Citizenship’s Outstanding Intern Award after making a significant impact through her internship with education not-for-profit EdConnect.

EdConnect recruits, trains and facilitates volunteers to work in schools, providing mentoring and learning support for disadvantaged or at-risk students. Bringing her significant skills and experience to the table, Renée helped EdConnect review their digital marketing activities, and researched WA businesses with interests in Port Hedland, to support the organisation’s volunteer operations in schools in the town.

“The projects I supported through my internship connected my passion for children’s wellbeing, older people’s mental health, and education in general,” Renée said.

“Prior to my internship, I didn’t realise the number of students who struggle with reading is quite high; recent studies showed that one-in-three children failed to read proficiently.

“As EdConnect volunteers are generally more mature, there is a benefit for older and younger generations. It is important for people in their retirement years to stay active and meet new people, and volunteering with EdConnect allows them to build a sense of fulfilment, as well as enhance their own wellbeing.

“I hope my research and the strategies I proposed assist EdConnect reach a wider audience. Increasing the brand recognition helps in recruiting more volunteers as well as attracting more funding for the organisation, meaning more students can receive support in their learning journey and our older generation get to share their life experience, engage with the community and make a difference in other people’s lives,” she said.

Carol Shannon, General Manager WA at EdConnect, praised Renée’s professionalism and enthusiasm, noting that she slotted into the organisation’s work environment with ease and made a lasting impact.

“Reviewing and evaluating the tools we need to succeed in our work, including our digital presence, is an important part of the picture, and this is where Renee added significant value during her internship,” Ms Shannon said.

“Renée quickly built a solid understanding of our requirements, and she used her business acumen to identify businesses more likely to engage in a project operating in the remote Pilbara community, with a focus on education. She provided advice in a well-crafted presentation to all WA-based staff, fielding questions with a high level of professionalism.

“Renée’s achievements during the short period of her internship exceeded my expectations – it was an absolute pleasure to host Renée at EdConnect.”

Renée said the experience had provided her with new perspectives for her current work and future.

“I currently work as a tutor at UWA. The internship prompted me to reflect on what else I can do to empower students by increasing their confidence, enhancing their learning capacity and supporting them to discover their own strengths.

“It also gave me direction for when I look for my next role; I will align my professional goals with my personal values of bringing benefit to others and positive impacts to the community.”

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