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Saloni contributes to valuable research on volunteering in WA

21 November, 2023

Saloni Singh is a Master of International Law and Master of International Relations student at UWA, who recently helped the Department of Communities (Communities) research volunteering in WA through her McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship.

“I worked on an independent research project and comprehensive report on the current state of corporate volunteering in Western Australia,” Saloni said.

“Corporate volunteering remains a relatively new sub-sector, and the past few years have witnessed a growing interest in promoting private volunteering efforts. Research in the area is limited, however, and policies are often guided by a general belief in the merits of Corporate Social Responsibility rather than research or results.

“My report aims to fill this gap by providing valuable insights that will inform the Department of Communities' future objectives and, possibly, policies in the sector,” she said.

“The research outcomes are anticipated to benefit not only local communities across Western Australia but also Volunteering Involving Organisations dealing with corporate volunteers.”

Saloni said that navigating a formal office environment in the public sector was a new challenge, however her supervisor and team helped her overcome her initial worry.

Kate White, Principal Policy Officer, Volunteer Team Leader, Strategy and Partnerships at the Department of Communities and Saloni’s internship supervisor, said Saloni’s contribution had made an important impact, informing the WA Volunteering Strategy and its associated activities.

“Saloni’s fresh perspective and diligent approach was a great benefit to Communities and ultimately the WA Community who benefit from the work we do.”

Saloni, who moved to Australia to undertake her master’s degree at UWA, said the internship had helped her build connections in the local community.

“The internship allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of Western Australian as a whole, while also helping me on a personal level through the connections I have formed with my colleagues at Communities,” she said.

“I would definitely recommend the internship to other students – It’s a great experience that not only allows you to give back to the community in a meaningful way, but also provides opportunities to develop skills and build professional connections outside of your immediate circle.”

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