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UWA McCusker Centre for Citizenship alumna joins AFL club

26 April, 2023

Jennifer Sanderson, a UWA Bachelor of Arts student, is studying the final units of her undergraduate degree from Melbourne, after taking a job with an AFL team to work on a range of community engagement initiatives.

“I was hired to take on a senior role, working on events, community engagement, networking, and awareness projects,” Jennifer said.

“One example of the work I am involved in is a collaboration with a cancer foundation and their campaign, where one round this season will be focused on raising awareness of a particular type of cancer that affects thousands of people in Australia,

“Another particularly exciting opportunity for me is working on ways to bring more interest to the game for woman and young girls and make the sport less male-dominated, which is important after the recent development of an AFLW team for our club,”

Jennifer is also working with the club’s development team in the planning of new training, administration and community facilities.

“The club valued my background in human & environmental geography and had a particular interest in my Minor in Active Citizenship through the McCusker Centre for Citizenship,” she said.

“What I have learnt through my degree and the Minor has been beneficial for communicating with stakeholders in a professional setting, particularly when having difficult conversations, as well as having an understanding of how to make change and the time that takes,”

While working toward her degree majoring in Human Geography and Planning, Jennifer made the most of the opportunities available through the McCusker Centre for Citizenship at UWA.

Image: Jennifer presents as part of group project addressing vicarious trauma for legal professionals, as part of the Approaches to Wicked Problems academic unit in March 2023.

She completed an internship through the Centre with the Youth Affairs Council of WA, as well as the Making a Difference and Approaches to Wicked Problems academic units, which all contributed to her completion of the Centre’s Minor in Active Citizenship.

“I have only positive things to say about my experience with the McCusker Centre, and my time at UWA certainly complemented my experience and interests,” she said.

“I now have an excellent job with an opportunity to make change in many avenues from a well-known platform with a large reach,

“It has been a great job so far, and I should have a range of exciting opportunities as I continue in the role.”

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