Latest News

Grace supports early years initiatives in regional WA communities

Through a recent internship at the McCusker Centre for Citizenship, UWA student Grace Ting travelled to the Kimberly to engage with remote communities, using her media and communications skills to support programs that advocate for early childhood development in regional WA.

24 January, 2022

Ruben forges Peel school STEM connections

UWA student Ruben Droogmans has contributed 100 hours towards a new youth education initiative that seeks to strengthen opportunities for school students in the Peel region to follow careers in science, technology, maths and engineering (STEM).

24 January, 2022

Maxwell undertakes policy research to benefit early childhood development in WA communities

UWA student Maxwell Hinch has provided 100 hours of research towards initiatives that look to strengthen systems of early childhood education, development and care in WA through a McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship at Minderoo.

20 January, 2022

Tess supports project strengthening aged care in regional WA

UWA student Tess Mansfield has supported a valuable new initiative that helps older people living in regional towns stay connected to their local communities through an internship at the McCusker Centre for Citizenship.

12 January, 2022

Internship at Champion Centre affirms Natasha’s legal justice aspirations

UWA student Natasha Ong’s experience as an intern at the Champion Centre in the City of Armadale has reinforced her desire for all people to have access to justice, particularly those who are most disadvantaged.

20 December, 2021

View our 2021 Impact Statement

Read key highlights and achievements from across 2021.

9 December, 2021

Michael strengthens safety for community workers

UWA student Michael Liu has contributed 100 hours towards a project that seeks to strengthen the health and safety of workers who support some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.

1 December, 2021

Justin strengths safety for vulnerable people during crises

UWA student Justin Mathews has contributed towards a project that ensures vulnerable groups of people in WA continue to receive support during unexpected crises and emergencies.

1 December, 2021

Cheng finds business solutions to support WA seniors

UWA student Cheng Liu has supported the Council on the Ageing (COTA) WA to undertake a significant digital project that will allow the organisation to better support WA seniors.

1 December, 2021

Eleanor secures partnerships to support local wildlife

UWA student Eleanor Barnett has helped Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre secure partnerships with Kalamunda Woolworths and Bunnings to provide valuable support for their conservation efforts.

26 November, 2021