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UWA student intern’s family violence report could ‘provide a catalyst for change’

The report that Ella Italiano-Schmidt researched and presented to the South West Community Legal Centre during her McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship could “significantly” improve outcomes for people experiencing family violence.

3 October, 2019

‘Superstar’ student intern makes her mark on Zonta House

Women’s refuge Zonta House will continue to benefit from McCusker Centre for Citizenship student intern Taylah Jones’ outstanding work “for many months to come”.

26 September, 2019

Intern co-authors research publication

The opportunity to co-author a professional research publication with the Telethon Kids Institute would just be a dream for most undergraduate Bachelor of Science students. For University of WA international student Yanyu Chen, it became a reality.

17 September, 2019

"The issues are highly complex and there is no easy solution, but I have realised that I can still make an impact"

Henry Boulos spent his summer break completing a three week internship at the Youth Involvement Council Inc (YIC) which provides programs to young people who are considered at-risk of homelessness or in need of support in the Hedland and surrounding areas. 

15 March, 2019

Well Man app designed by McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern to improve lives of boys and men worldwide

WA Minister for Health, Honourable Roger Cook MLA, launches 'Well Man' app.

26 June, 2018

McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern assists Enable WA

UWA Arts student, Emma Young, travelled to Bunbury to intern with Enable WA, which provides quality, individualised support for people living with a disability in the South West of the State, and assisted them in mobilising clients to build stronger community connections.

26 April, 2018

"It's one of the best learning experiences you'll have at university. It's not like anything else you'll do."

Alex Arnold talks about his experience revamping the Albany Men's Resource Centre website and creating an app to help them reach men around the world.

12 September, 2017

“I think there are a lot of young people in the same boat – who want to make a difference but don’t know where to begin.”

'Self-doubt is the biggest barrier for young people' according to Adehlia Ebert, McCusker Centre for Citizenship Intern.

16 June, 2017

Upcoming Event: What it means to be a 'Good Citizen'

Upcoming Event on March 30 2017: What it means to be a 'Good Citizen'

16 March, 2017

PATCHES Paediatrics and the Kimberley - an intern's perspective

22-year-old UWA Medicine student Nicholas Mattock travelled to the Kimberley more

18 January, 2017