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Thinking outside the box helps UWA student continue with her internship during pandemic

Exploring the State Cabinet Records from 1989 – 10 years before she was born – has been a fascinating exercise for McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern Michelle Lam.

5 May, 2020

Wungening Aboriginal Corporation gives intern the opportunity to put university skills to the test

University of WA student Harry Osbourne was just halfway through his McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship when he was offered a part-time contract at host organisation Wungening Aboriginal Corporation.

4 May, 2020

Perth Festival intern makes her mark with carbon footprint project

University of WA Master of Professional Engineering student Alexandra Lyons conducted an environmental sustainability audit for the Perth Festival during her recent McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship.

2 May, 2020

Centre for Social Impact intern making an impact from home

Alina Evans was just a couple of days in to her internship at the Centre for Social Impact (CSI) when the whole office packed up and transitioned to working-from-home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

1 May, 2020

UWA Science student empowered by Women’s Legal Service WA internship

The opportunity to “tangibly benefit” the community through her internship at the Women’s Legal Service WA (WLSWA) was empowering for University of WA Bachelor of Science student Katherine Scott.

30 April, 2020

UWA student intern makes her mark helping Wheatbelt families

Breaking down barriers that Wheatbelt families encounter in attempting to access childcare services quickly became a personal mission for Madelene Booth during her recent internship at Regional Early Education and Development (REED).

29 April, 2020

Intern helps prevent anti-social youth behaviour

During her recent McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship, Randi Beck researched programs that the City of Gosnells could implement to positively engage with vulnerable young people around libraries.

27 April, 2020

UWA intern developing resources to aid online solutions during pandemic

When social distancing restrictions were introduced due to COVID-19, McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern William Conti was still able to continue his ConnectGroups internship working safely from home. 

24 April, 2020

Communicare intern rises to the challenge of working from home

Rising to the challenge of completing her internship from home has been a big confidence-boost for University of WA student Gwyneth Anggadjaja, while at the same time contributing to the important work at Communicare.

23 April, 2020

No challenge ‘too big or too dull’ for Asthma WA student intern

From her very first day, University of WA intern Jess Donaldson “fit in like she had always been part of the Asthma WA team” according to Marketing and Communications Manager Freya Barr.

22 April, 2020