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Intern engages with CALD migrants and refugees at Mirrabooka Welcome Hub

Being on the “front line” and directly engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) migrants and refugees was the highlight of Jasmine Laing’s recent internship at the Mirrabooka Welcome Hub.

17 April, 2020

Fledgling lawyer finds passion and purpose in advocating for Indigenous rights

Completing a McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship at the Aboriginal Legal Service Centre of Western Australia (ALSWA) confirmed how Milo Pena intends to put his law degree to use: serving vulnerable communities.

17 April, 2020

Intern project to improve sustainability of Gingin community organisations

Student intern Franklin Powers wrote a research report that identified new business management models for local community group and club facilities during his internship at the Shire of Gingin.

16 April, 2020

Universe lines up dream internship for mature-age student

Laura Thorington-Jones was getting red dirt on her shoes in Karijini when she received her internship offer from the McCusker Centre for Citizenship.

15 April, 2020

Arts internships booklet released

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship has designed and released a booklet that highlights student and supervisor experiences in a variety of arts-based internships.

10 April, 2020

Where Are They Now? Anna Normann

After completing her internship at Perth Festival in 2017, Master of Social Research Methods graduate Anna Lee Normann was quickly offered a full-time role.

9 April, 2020

Anglicare WA internship inspires a change in future plans

Before University of WA Neuroscience, and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology student Bridget Flis completed her internship at Anglicare WA, she was determined to pursue a career that was purely science-focussed.

8 April, 2020

Student interns’ research project to help close the gap on intergenerational divide

Before starting his McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship at aged-care provider Bethanie, 20-year-old Mitchell Pratt had never heard of the social issues related to the intergenerational divide.

31 March, 2020

Homeless Connect Perth intern won’t be boxed in by desk job

The University of WA Medical Sciences student Manul Koralage was never going to be content with an internship sitting at a computer all day.

27 March, 2020

Novel coronavirus pandemic response

A letter from Director Michelle Scott

26 March, 2020