Role Title: Reseach Intern - Guide to State Cabinet Records
Organisation: State Records Office of Western Australia
Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)
Location: Perth Cultural Centre
The main task of the Internship is to draft an online Guide to Western Australian State Cabinet records which have been released from their 30 year restriction period.
State Cabinet records are historically significant documents revealing the confidential
decisions made by the government of the day. These unique records are the primary source documents for information about the issues raised at Cabinet meetings and each year, a new set of Cabinet records – from 30 years previous – are opened so that they can be accessed by the Western Australian community.
To mark their release the SRO publishes an online Guide to the records which enables
community interest in them. In past years Interns secured through the McCusker Centre
have researched and drafted guides to the issues revealed in the State Cabinet Minutes and
Decisions. These projects have been a rewarding and successful experience for both the
Interns and the SRO as host.
Guides from previous years are offered online on the State Records Office (SRO) website:
The State Records Office of Western Australia (SRO) is the Western Australian public records authority with responsibility for managing, preserving and providing access to the State's records. The SRO operates as an agency within the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. The SRO delivers records management and archival services to State and Local Government agencies public and ensures that the public have access to the State Archives Collection through online access services and a jointly operated Reading Room in the State Library Building in the Perth Cultural Centre.