Role Title: Project Intern: Assessment of tourism attributes of the Bindjareb-Peel WA Geopark
Organisation: Geoparks WA
Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)
Location: Mandurah
This intern will be working on the assessment of tourism attributes within the Bindjareb-Peel Western Australia Geopark for their geological, flora and fauna, and cultural attributes.
• The role for the Intern will be to identify, analyse, and record existing tourism experiences (approx. 10) within the Mandurah, Murray (Pinjarra) and Waroona areas to compile a database of the tourism attributes that would benefit the geopark.
• Liaise with stakeholders as required to research / determine the associated tourism attributes such as the officers of the City of Mandurah and Visit Mandurah (Tourism office) and shires of Murray and Waroona. Other community stakeholders will also be identified for discussions surrounding tourism attributes within the region.
• Assess current Tourism planning and provide feedback on integrating the geopark concept into existing work
• Small amount of possible website support and administration.
• The Intern will be based at the Peel Development Commission offices in Mandurah.
2. Objectives and purposes of the Association
o To support and promote the development of Geoparks, Geotourism and Geotrails with a focus in Western Australia;
o To facilitate marketing collectives for Geoparks, Geotourism and Geotrails;
o To encourage stakeholder participation and collaboration in the establishment of Geoparks, Geotourism and Geotrails in Western Australia; and
o To co-operate with like-minded entities and individuals in promoting all aspects of tourism visitation related to geological aspects of the Western Australian environment.