Research Intern

Role Title: Research Intern

Organisation: WA Association of Mental Health (WAAMH)

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: Perth CBD

Role Description

A critical part of WAAMH's policy and advocacy work is to identify, collect and analyze contemporary, multiple sources of evidence** (including research papers, reports, policy papers, evidence reviews, articles, newspaper articles, grey literature, lived experience personal stories etc.). This evidence is essential for understanding and effectively responding to contemporary issues, needs and challenges in mental health policy and service delivery, and to inform the development of viable, relevant and evidence informed policy options and proposals and service delivery responses.
The purpose of this role is to work with WAAMH policy staff to assist organize and catalogue evidence gathered by WAAMH on key mental health issues to inform its policy and advocacy work. The role will undertake the following tasks, in conjunction with WAAMH policy staff: 1) work with WAAMH policy staff to develop a simple cataloguing system of documents and evidence 2) develop bibliographies of evidence under certain key themes/categories 3) identify options to improve storage and access to this evidence (digital, hard copy) that enable quick access as and when required. ** By evidence we mean a combination of objective, subjective and contextual knowledge and documented lived and living experience. Most of the evidence is in hard copy form.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

The Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) is the peak body for community mental health in Western Australia.
Their membership comprises community-managed organisations providing mental health services, programs or supports and people and families with lived experience of mental health issues and suicide, with whom WAAMH engages in genuine partnership. We also engage with a wide network of collaborative relationships at a state and national level with individuals, organisations and community members who share our values and objectives. WAAMH influences community attitudes, mental health priorities, policy and practice through mental health promotion, systemic advocacy and development so Western Australians have the rights, resources and support needed for mental wellbeing, recovery, and citizenship.