Emergency Services Volunteer Data Coordinator

Role Title: Emergency Services Volunteer Data Coordinator

Organisation: Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Internship Period: Summer (November - December)

Location: Cockburn Central

Role Description

The Volunteer Data Coordinator will be responsible for analysing, and interpreting volunteer data to support the effective management and strategic planning of recruitment and retention efforts across WA. This role involves identifying key trends, patterns, and insights from the data and presenting these findings through visually appealing graphs, charts, and reports. The person will collaborate closely with the Strategic Volunteer and Youth Programs team to ensure that data-driven insights are effectively integrated into program development and decision-making processes.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) was established on the 1st November 2012, and performs a critical role coordinating emergency services for a range of natural disasters and emergency incidents threatening life and property.
It comprises of 1600 operational personnel and corporate staff members. It also has an extensive network of more than 27,000 volunteers engaged in the delivery of services to the community. The Operational Research and Development branch’s purpose is to enable the continuous improvement of our operational assets including firefighting fleet, equipment and personal protective clothing to enhance service delivery to the community and increase the capability of the department.