Project Support Intern, Social Media Content Creation

Role Title: Project Support Intern, Social Media Content Creation

Organisation: NOFASD Australia

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Midland

Role Description

Research existing international content to support prevention messaging related to unintended pregnancy and alcohol harm aimed at young people aged 16 to 25. Develop subject matter content for the social media platform TikTok. The content will be visually engaging and appealing, promoting awareness messaging about the risks of alcohol consumption and unplanned/unintended pregnancies. The messaging will be stigma, blame and shame-free. The intern will be supervised by the Chief Operating Officer and engage with a project support officer from the team to support with content and messaging. The intern will be required to present a report with recommendations and concept ideas at the conclusion of the placement. It is essential that the candidate has enthusiasm and an interest in learning about the subject matter. The candidate will be required to undertake an online self-paced course provided by NOFASD on their first day of placement.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

To be a strong and effective voice for individuals and families living with FASD, while supporting initiatives across Australia to promote prevention, diagnosis, intervention and management.