Resource Development Intern

Role Title: Resource Development Intern

Organisation: Anglicare WA

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: East Perth or Leederville

Role Description

The StandBy program supports people impacted by suicide and we have previously developed a resource that can assist when supporting women impacted by suicide and family and domestic violence. We did this through a working group and collaboration with other services. We would like to duplicate the resource to be more culturally appropriate for Aboriginal and Torres Straite Islander people and communities. There would be a heavy focus on engaging Aboriginal service providers, facilitating conversations and collating resource information.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation highly regarded by clients, funders and donors. Supporting 36,000 Western Australians each year from 44 locations across the state, we play an important part in building strong communities and families. We influence policy makers and ensure that institutions and systems are attuned to the needs of all people in our community. Our work is achieved in a spirit of reconciliation between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Western Australians.
Anglicare WA’s purpose is to work together in trusted relationships with people and families across Western Australia who partner with us on a journey to thriving. Our vision is a just and fair Western Australia where all people thrive. Underlying Anglicare WA’s commitment to providing help to those in need are our values: Inclusion, Trust, Compassion, Respect, Empowerment, and Courage.