Role Title: Research Intern 1 - Social Isolation & Loneliness
Organisation: Denmark Futures Ltd
Internship Period: Summer (November - December)
Location: Denmark WA and from home
Denmark Futures Ltd is exploring ideas for possible projects to address social isolation and loneliness in Denmark. Drawing on community wellbeing data gathered through previous research undertaken by Denmark Futures, we wish to take a deeper dive into the issues and identify some potential solutions for future development. We are particularly interested in exploring two key areas: the potential for social prescribing and projects designed to improve intergenerational connections.
We are aiming to bring together a small team to undertake a comprehensive situational analysis to map existing social and health infrastructure, undertake desktop research to identify relevant case studies and effective models, identify potential stakeholders and develop a stakeholder consultation and engagement plan and conceptualise and scope a plausible and feasible pilot program.
Students studying social sciences, public health, and community development would be suited to this role
To be a leading contributor to the creation of a thriving Denmark Community.