Program Evaluation Intern

Role Title: Program Evaluation Intern

Organisation: Holyoake

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Victoria Park

Role Description

This intern will undertake the evaluation of a current clinical program utilising the established templates and processes.
This will involve a review of the initial development of the program, data analysis of recent outcomes, obtaining feedback from consumer and staff on the successes and potential areas for improvement, research of current best practices. Collation of findings: compile a report that describes the process undertaken, findings and recommendations. This position will sit with Holyoake's Growth and Innovation team, supported by the Service Development Manager, with access to the Executive Manager Growth and Innovation as needed.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Established in 1975, we continue to make a positive difference with a holistic, non-judgemental approach in a safe and caring environment. Using evidence-based practice, we support individuals, families and communities who are impacted by alcohol, other drugs and related mental wellbeing issues.