Role Title: Project Intern - Local Content, Buy Local
Organisation: South West Development Commission
Internship Period: Summer (November - December)
Location: Bunbury
The WA Government has a focus on ensuring regional businesses can benefit from the State Government’s annual spending on goods, services and works- often referred to as Local Content.
In 2018, the WA Government formed the Local Content Advisor Network (LCAN). LCAN focuses on supporting regional businesses by connecting across Government Agencies, industry bodies, and Small to Medium Enterprises so that regional businesses can increase participation in supply chains, grow and diversify, and develop additional capability. The Network also works to inform relevant Buy Local and Local Content policy, practice, and research to help strengthen and diversify local economies across our State.
The intern will focus on Local Content within the South West region and will:
1. Analyse procurement policies of South West Local Governments to evaluate the benefits and potential disadvantages of ‘buy local’ initiatives
2. Investigate and identify available tenders within the South West region beyond state and local government, including opportunities from Government Trading Entities (GTEs) and the private sector.
3. Explore and recommend strategies to enhance the distribution of information, with a focus on electronic automated tools/platforms
4. Work with the LCAN and leverage the Hub database to support learnings
We work to make the South West region of Australia an even greater place to live, work and invest.