Marketing & Communications Intern

Role Title: Marketing & Communications Intern

Organisation: UWA Student Success and Wellbeing

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Crawley

Role Description

UniAccess is looking for an enthusiastic and curious intern that is passionate in building awareness of initiatives that can reduce barriers for students with a disability or medical condition. This project will include the production of a suite of accessible and impactful short video content and opportunity to embed the resources into a broader marketing and communication strategy. Guidance and training will be provided on the job to ensure content is accessible.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Student Success and Wellbeing is a division of Student Life at UWA. The teams consist off StudySmarter, UniAccess, Student Equity, Counselling, International, Health Promotion Unit ad Wellbeing. We are student focused in the areas of academic success and health and wellbeing.