Role Title: Digital Content Intern: Extrata FAQ - How-To Videos
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)
Location: Perth
DPIRD, through the eConnect project is developing a new data exchange hub called Extrata. The web-based platform is built to help farms take control in sharing their farm-data with trusted 3rd-parties.
The Project is seeking an intern to assist in developing a series of "how-to" videos for YouTube explaining to potential / current Extrata users' how to perform certain tasks using the web platform. For example, how to register as a new-user, how to create a virtual data object, how to create and maintain user groups within the platform, how to issue a participation request. etc. Other videos may be more info based, e.g., providing users with a video tour of the platform, explaining key concepts etc.
Each video will show users via real-time usage of the actual web application how to perform specific tasks, using AI generated voice-overs that will be embedded / synched with the video to further talk users through the various steps/actions.
These videos should be easily maintainable as further Project makes further application updates with some of the features/functionality changing - requiring updates to the videos.
The successful intern will also develop the voiceover script in conjunction with the Supervisor, which should be clear and concise to aid understanding etc.
We work to develop and protect Western Australia’s agriculture and food sector and aquatic resources, and build vibrant regions with strong economies.