Baby Blitz Project Intern

Role Title: Baby Blitz Project Intern

Organisation: Meningitis Centre Australia

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Nedlands

Role Description

5 hours a day will be spent working on our Baby Blitz Project - a project to ensure we meet our vision and key benchmarks of educating every parent of a new born baby in Australia. You will primarily be working with maternity hospitals nationally - identifying the hospitals we have not yet reached, ringing each hospital to find key person, sending out emails and packages of materials to be handed to each and every newborn baby. You may just save a babies life!
The rest of the day will be spent working on our World Meningitis Day project for the 5th October, finding and arranging building to be lit up right across Australia (aiming for 250), social media and helping plan for an extra special day! As we are a smaller office, there will be times where everyone throws in to help finish a task!!



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Raising Awareness, Every Second Counts
Our aim is to defeat Meningitis, Meningococcal, Pneumococcal and other related diseases through awareness, education, and advocacy and support.