Strategic and Operational Fundraising Intern

Role Title: Strategic and Operational Fundraising Intern

Organisation: Disability Assembly Western Australia (DAWA)

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Perth

Role Description

We are seeking a motivated and detail-oriented individual to work as a Strategic and Operational Fundraising Intern. The intern will work closely with our Fundraising Committee, external business partners, project team, and CEO. You will collaborate with our recently endorsed Fundraising Committee to map grant and fundraising activities. Together, we will work towards ensuring our new Fundraising Strategy aligns with key strategic objectives and create an Action plan accordingly.
Your role will be to conduct research to identify potential grant opportunities that align with the organisation's mission and projects team to create a list of philanthropic organisations whose areas of interest interact with and support those of DAWA. As a result of your research, your tasks will include creating a Grants spreadsheet identifying grant processes and grant bodies for the next 12 months. Additionally, the intern will assist in developing and creating content for our major campaign; and contribute to the establishment of an annual fundraising event.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

DAWA is a local community of local people who know disability.
The Disability Assembly Western Australia (DAWA)’s vision is to unify, support and champion a thriving disability ecosystem in WA to ensure world leading and sustainable outcomes for people with disabilities, their families and carers. A major part of our purpose is bringing together people with disability, families, carers, peak bodies, advocates, government, service providers and experienced stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. Our aim is to generate informed, impartial discussion and debate on the big issues. We are a team of diverse perspectives and innovative thinking. We work together to contribute real life experience with local ownership and respect.