WLWA: Legal Research Internship

Role Title: WLWA: Legal Research Internship

Organisation: Women Lawyers of Western Australia

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Nedlands, WA 6009

Role Description

Reporting directly to the President of Women Lawyers of Western Australia and her assistant, the research intern will be responsible for putting together a research project into the prevalence, types and causes of workplace bullying between women in the legal profession
Eliminating workplace bullying in the legal profession is an important step in promoting the highest possible standards of conduct by lawyers. The WLWA is interested in how gender plays a role in workplace bullying, particularly bullying amongst women. The goal of the research is to identify what is currently known about the prevalence, types and causes of bullying amongst women in the legal profession, and identify gaps where further research is needed The research will serve as a starting point for further survey-based research by WLWA to address workplace bullying amongst women in the legal profession



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Our objects are:
to further understanding of and support for the legal rights of women; to achieve equality for women working in the law; to achieve equality for women seeking access to justice and the law; to identify, highlight and eradicate discrimination against women in the legal system and in the community generally; to work towards reform of the law and of the administration of the law, in order to achieve those objects above; to provide a professional and social network for women in the profession; to promote and maintain the highest possible standards of conduct by lawyers, in order to protect the interests of women, prevent discrimination against women and gain access for women to justice.