Energy Data Dashboard Intern (Licensing and Customer Protection)

Role Title: Energy Data Dashboard Intern (Licensing and Customer Protection)

Organisation: Economic Regulation Authority (ERA)

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Perth

Role Description

As the energy system becomes more complex, regulators effectively using data to inform their decisions is becoming more important. Good data visualisation tools are an important part of this and can help to tell a story, which regulators can use to make better decisions more quickly, and consumers can use to better understand the utility services they use every day.
Your project will be to create an interactive dashboard on the performance of utilities in Western Australia. The dashboard project will first require you to manipulate historical data to prepare it for the dashboard. You will then consider the best ways to use the dashboard to tell a story to the ERA’s Governing Body and to external stakeholders, such as via graphics or animations. The project aims to improve the ERA’s data and analytics capability by enabling us to identify trends in historical data, use the data that we receive more quickly, and to improve customer transparency of WA’s energy and water markets. We are seeking an intern with R/Python skills and an interest in automating infographics.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

The ERA promotes the interests of Western Australian consumers through independent regulation, analysis and advice, now and into the future.