Marketing Intern, Aboriginal Ear Health Program

Role Title: Marketing Intern, Aboriginal Ear Health Program

Organisation: Cockburn Integrated Health (Healthy Lifestyle)

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: Cockburn

Role Description

We are a non-profit providing free ear health services for Aboriginal children in Perth. Aboriginal children are 10 times more likely than non-Aboriginal children to experience chronic ear disease and hearing loss unless they access timely health care. The public health system is often delayed by 3-4 years, whereas we address new referrals within 4 weeks. Families tell us this service is life changing, allowing their children to regain hearing, develop language, participate more in life and be more engaged in school. We rely on grant funding to run this service at no cost to families.
In order to demonstrate the good work of our clinic, to show our funders where their money goes, and also to garner more funding for future, we are seeking a marketing and communication intern to compile a package that describes and shows our service through the lens of the families who access our clinic. This will involve taking photos of our service, collecting family stories and feedback, compiling video promotion material, and pulling this together into a high quality, publishable presentation that we can use for a variety of audiences to communicate the benefits and value of our service.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Cockburn Integrated Health (CIH) is a Not for Profit entity overseen by a Board of Management. The organisation was established in 2011 as part of the then Commonwealth GP Super Clinics Program with service start-up in October 2014. CIH’s vision is to “improve the health and wellbeing of the Cockburn population by providing coordinated multi-disciplinary primary health care services that are responsive to the needs and priorities of the local community.”