Role Title: Project Intern Data Systems - Specialist Child Protection Unit (SPCU) team data integration
Organisation: Department of Communities
Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)
Location: Fremantle
The Data Systems Project Intern would be placed within the Department of Communities, Specialist Child Protection Unit (SCPU) with the Advocate for Children in Care.
The SCPU is comprised of five teams, including: Aboriginal Practice Team; Advocacy for Children in Care; Care Plan Review Panel; Central Review Team; Professional Practice Team. Within these teams are working groups.
Currently each SCPU team and working group has individual data reporting systems. The aim of this project is to enable consistency in team reporting.
The Department collaborates to create pathways that enable individual, family and community wellbeing. What we do has far-reaching impacts across all aspects of society. Supporting wellbeing can mean many things including ensuring children are safe, helping people access a home, or creating diverse and inclusive communities.