Homelessness Encampment cost modelling Intern

Role Title: Homelessness Encampment cost modelling Intern

Organisation: Peel Development Commission

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: Mandurah

Role Description

This project is to be developed for the Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness, Mandurah Kwinana Rockingham (MKR) Improvement team which is a collective of community stakeholders working towards the shared vision to end homelessness, with it being once off and not re-occurring.
The purpose of this project is to develop a cost modelling template that could be used by any Local Government Authority (LGA) to capture the full costs of managing and responding to homelessness encampments that may form within their local government area. In order to develop this, a recent encampment within the City of Rockingham can be used as the case study to build the cost model. The project will require the student to make contact with representatives from several community and govt stakeholders to obtain information from them on the costs for their agency to plan, monitor, respond and report on the East Rockingham encampment. Stakeholders will include; local and state government, private businesses, the WA Alliance to End Homelessness & not for profit organisations. Once costs are obtained, a template is to be developed to capture all cost types, so it can be used by other LGAs for advocacy. A case study report is to be delivered and presented to the MKR Improvement Team. Once a cost model and case study has been developed for the Rockingham encampment, if there is time, it can be tested against another urban encampment that occurred adjacent to the public library in Mandurah.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Our work in the Peel region contributes to the whole-of-government targets to deliver better outcomes for all Western Australians.
Our work fosters collaboration between local government, State Government agencies, industry and the local community because when we work together, we achieve great outcomes. And that’s how we can fulfil the big goals and make sure there are long-term benefits for the Peel region.