Nutrition and Cooking Program Intern

Role Title: Nutrition and Cooking Program Intern

Organisation: Foodbank WA

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: Fremantle and Perth Airport Office

Role Description

Foodbank WA delivers nutrition education and cooking programs. The intern will be involved in setting up/ packing up sessions and helping participants through the education and cooking delivery. The intern is expected to have a good knowledge of food, an interest in cooking and being able to work independently.
Our Nutrition education Team is also in the process of creating a new recipe book. the intern will be asked to help in the creation of the recipe book (choosing and testing recipes, surveying participants for recipe ideas, searching literature in what recipes are best, etc). The intern will also assist the Nutrition Education Team in developing resources, communicating with different organisations to promote our programs and searching new organisations that would benefit our nutrition/cooking program.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Foodbank WA provides food and groceries to over 400 registered charities that provide emergency food assistance to people in need.