Implementation intern - Community of Practice

Role Title: Implementation intern - Community of Practice

Organisation: The Kids Research Institute Australia

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: The Kids Research Institute Australia

Role Description

The role will support the implementation of a Community of Practice for health professionals working in pediatric Type 1 Diabetes across Australia and New Zealand (link below for further information). The project is supported by the Rio Tinto Children's Diabetes Centre at The Kids Research Institute Australia and Perth Children's Hospital. Tasks will include database creation, preparing for a webinar/s, tracking involvement metrics, managing feedback and reporting on data. There may be potential to contribute to a manuscript for publication dependent on skills. This role might be ideal for students interested in communications, public health or health promotion.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

The Kids Research Institute Australia is based within the Perth Children’s Hospital, and is one of the largest, and most successful medical research institutes in Australia, comprising a dedicated and diverse team of around 1,000 staff, students and honoraries. We've created a bold blueprint that brings together community, researchers, practitioners, policy makers and funders, who share our vision to improve the health and wellbeing of children through excellence in research.