Role Title: Staying in Place Local Meal and Activity Plan Intern
Organisation: Pingelly Community Resource Centre on behalf of Pingelly Somerset Alliance Inc.
Internship Period: Summer (November - December)
Location: Pingelly
Staying in Place assists people in rural and remote communities to access the support needed to stay living at home in a small rural or remote and isolated community. There are 45 communities in WA using the Staying in Place model to support local residents over 65 years of age to stay living in their own homes, in their own communities.
Many people seek support for meals and some can access pre-prepared and packaged meals - often from companies outside WA. This project is about helping make operational a Pingelly based meal service to our 72 clients and then providing the information on how to do this to the 45 other small communities.
The Pingelly CRC provides activities that are usually charged for under a home care package. To date our clients access these services without charge to their packages. The second part of this intern project is about putting in place the operational requirements to be able to charge the clients' home care packages for participation in the activities provided by the CRC.
"THE HUB OF OUR COMMUNITY" providing quality service and support that meets the diverse needs of the Pingelly Community.