Role Title: Grant Application Development Intern
Organisation: Girl Guides WA
Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)
Location: Belmont
The intern will be working in the state office where there are 8 paid staff. In addition the organisation's management and governance is the responsibility of volunteers who maintain some office space within the building.
Girl Guides WA is looking for someone to assist with following up on a list of project grants identifying by a previous intern to prepare applications. They will work with volunteer Leaders and Managers who can provide information about suitable projects which would benefit from funding support. In relation to longer term funding opportunities they will also be supported by the Executive Officer and the Management Accountant.
All applications would need to be approved by the Volunteer Management Team before submission as we need to ensure that they are consistent with our values and the programs which we deliver to girls and young women in the community.
Knowledge of Guiding or Scouting or similar organisations could be an advantage but we can provide an appropriate induction if required.
Girl Guides Western Australia is a member organisation of Girl Guides Australia, and of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). With a membership of over 10 million girls and women in 150 countries, WAGGGS is the largest all-female organisation in the world! Our mission is to empower girls and young women to grow into confident, self-respecting, responsible community members.