Role Title: Geology Project Intern - Core descriptions, Officer Basin
Organisation: Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS)
Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)
Location: East Perth
Entering and editing using the WellCAD software, existing detailed core descriptions captured on paper many years ago for the GSWA Lancer 1 stratigraphic drillhole in the Officer Basin. As part of the project, the intern will learn about the geology of the Officer Basin and about the Lancer 1 well results and why capturing this data digitally is important for Western Australia and the resources sector to assess resource prospectivity of the Officer Basin (eg, assessing the potential for: sedimentary hosted copper, hydrogen and helium, salt characterisation, reservoir and seal potential, implications for CO2 storage in the basin). The project includes writing a short report and presentation describing what elements of the core description are useful for assessing the basins resource potential including greenhouse gas storage.
The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety's mission is to support a safe, fair and responsible future for the Western Australian community, industry and resources sector.