Health Promotions Project Intern

Role Title: Health Promotions Project Intern

Organisation: Fremantle Women's Health Centre

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: Willagee

Role Description

The intern will work closely with staff at Fremantle Women's Health Centre to create or support a program of health promotion events including workshops, expos, displays, social media and newsletter content. These events will include health information for women particularly around mental health and wellbeing and round women's sexual and reproductive health. They will promote, create flyers, organise equipment/brochures/social media posts, attend and evaluate events that will be held at the centre or within the areas of Fremantle, Cockburn and Melville, working closely with other service providers and organisations. There may also be an opportunity to be involved in grant writing for projects. We are a small organisation of 12 women who work to support vulnerable and disadvantaged women and famiies within the community. Having just moved into a new building we are keen to work closely with nearby community centres and libraries to promote our services. We are a safe, friendly, welcoming and trauma informed orgaisation and the intern will work closely with staff and also with the clients and community.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Fremantle Women’s Health Centre is a not for profit, community health organisation dedicated to women-centred care. Our purpose is to improve women's health and wellbeing, prioritising the needs of women with the highest risk of poor health outcomes, through provision of services based on a social model of health.