Digital Content Intern: Digital Content Creator & Social Media Planner

Role Title: Digital Content Intern: Digital Content Creator & Social Media Planner

Organisation: Disability Assembly Western Australia (DAWA)

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Perth

Role Description

The Communications Intern will develop and implement a marketing and social media engagement strategy and plan. You will be working with a small but dynamic team to establish a social media footprint (with articulations between Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn).
As a systemic advocacy organisation, we work with and for people of all ages with disability and the people who care for and about them. We hope that the intern will familiarise themselves with the needs and wants of key stakeholders such as individuals with lived experience of disability, as well as service providers and funders. Your role will include the following: • To develop a posting schedule. • Create content to post on our various digital platforms as well as creating templates for future reference. • To establish a media image catalogue and cataloguing system. • Develop and create a template for our quarterly newsletter. We will provide you with key direction and guidance to get started in your new role. Along with people in WA's disability ecosystem, you will interact, work directly and indirectly with the Board Members and Councillors who currently lead the Communications and Advocacy Committee, Marketing and Events Committee, and with the CEO.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

DAWA is a local community of local people who know disability.
The Disability Assembly Western Australia (DAWA)’s vision is to unify, support and champion a thriving disability ecosystem in WA to ensure world leading and sustainable outcomes for people with disabilities, their families and carers. A major part of our purpose is bringing together people with disability, families, carers, peak bodies, advocates, government, service providers and experienced stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. Our aim is to generate informed, impartial discussion and debate on the big issues. We are a team of diverse perspectives and innovative thinking. We work together to contribute real life experience with local ownership and respect.