Social Media Intern

Role Title: Social Media Intern

Organisation: Western Australian Primary Principals' Association

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: West Leederville

Role Description

The role will be managed by the Communications Officer, and will include editing video for various platforms, creating social media templates and posts and contributing to the overall social media plan.
We would like an intern who has experience using various social media platforms and creating videos/editing short videos. They will have access to Canva as if needed and video editing software.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

The Western Australian Primary Principals' Association (WAPPA) is the professional association for leaders and aspiring leaders of primary school education across Western Australia.
Our aim is to be the influential voice and respected authority for public education; providing strategies for school leadership and advocacy for the profession by the profession. Our objective is to be the professional association of choice for primary school leaders with a genuine commitment to relevance, inclusivity, transparency, wellbeing and clear channels of communication.