Digital Content Intern - Where is the door? - social media/videos

Role Title: Digital Content Intern - Where is the door? - social media/videos

Organisation: Imagined Futures

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: Fremantle

Role Description

Imagined Futures Where is the door? program helps people navigate community services across Cockburn, Fremantle, and Melville. Imagined Futures suite of resources focus on key areas of need in the community including mental health, family and domestic violence and financial support. See website for further information:
The project has previously focused on families with children under 12 and is now targeting young people (aged 12-25) to help them connect to local supports, which is a need identified in local and state government strategies. We have been consulting with existing Youth Groups in the region and through schools and community programs to understand the needs of young people and how they like to receive information. We are currently putting together a communication strategy and have identified key areas of focus to be social media content and videos for website/social media. The intern will be assisting with design of social media content and working with local services providers (Imagined Futures partners) and young people to help with video content for website and social media.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

The Imagined Futures partnership consists of members who live or work in the local government areas of Cockburn, Fremantle and Melville. Members come from a variety of sectors, including government and non-government human services, business and philanthropy, as well as the community. Our mission is to mobilise the collective resources of not-for-profit organisations, local, state and commonwealth government agencies, business and community members to provide all individuals and families in the South West Metropolitan region with the opportunity to enjoy quality of life.