Project Intern - LGBTQIA + Strategy

Role Title: Project Intern - LGBTQIA + Strategy

Organisation: Department of Communities

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Fremantle

Role Description

The WA State Government is developing a whole-of-government strategy – led by the Department of Communities – to drive inclusion for LGBTQIA+ people and identify priority areas and associated actions to drive long-term and systemic change. The LGBTQIA+ Inclusion Strategy (Strategy) will promote wellbeing and full social and economic participation.
Thorough and productive engagement with the LGBTQIA+ community is at the heart of the Strategy’s development. A Community Reference Group and whole-of-government Project Steering Group have been convened to guide statewide engagement and consultation and inform development of the Strategy. The intern would assist our small project team to:  Finalise desktop research and analysis on contemporary local, state, national and international research on LGBTQIA+ people and community with a focus on economic, social, health, education, and vocational inclusion.  Develop statewide community engagement plan with a range of key strategic partners and stakeholders including but not limited to LGBTQIA+: o People with lived experience o Communities and sector support and service organisations o Other government agencies o Private and Industry sectors The available opportunities would suit interns looking for exposure to:  Research, best practice, and research support  Community and stakeholder engagement planning  Project planning and support  Professional writing and presentation



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

The Department collaborates to create pathways that enable individual, family and community wellbeing. What we do has far-reaching impacts across all aspects of society. Supporting wellbeing can mean many things including ensuring children are safe, helping people access a home, or creating diverse and inclusive communities.