Grants Intern

Role Title: Grants Intern

Organisation: Woodlupine Family Centre

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Forrestfield

Role Description

The Grants Intern role will work closely with the Centre Manager to find grants and fundraising partnerships that align with the Centre's mission and community needs.
The intern will be able to confidently communicate, both written and oral, with key stakeholders; our clients, committee, funding bodies etc. Grant applications go hand in hand with community engagement. A commitment to listening to the needs of the community, developing new programs and enhancing existing ones to ensure we remain both responsive to changing needs and contemporary in our approach. A key goal is determining funding opportunities through either grants or partnerships, that connect with the desired outcomes for the community.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

Mission Statement
Woodlupine Family Centre strives to be a place that promotes Community Connection; where everyone, regardless of ethnicity, age or background feel welcome. Our purpose is to be inclusive of all individuals and their families at any stage of their life. We encourage active involvement in a variety of programs, activities and events, that promote positive community connections. We aim to be responsive to community needs and provide an environment where people feel supported, valued and they develop a sense of ownership and pride. Our motto; Engage, Educate, Empower.