Role Title: IT Intern
Organisation: Department of Health
Internship Period: Summer (November - December)
Location: Perth CBD
The Chief Allied Health Office (CAHO) manages a suite of assistive technology programs on behalf of the WA Department of Health (Health) under the WA Assistive Technology Scheme (WAATS).
It is important to monitor performance of the WAATS to determine if the programs are meeting the identified population need as indicated by factors such as client demographics, numbers receiving a service, types of assistive technology provided and where budget is being utilised.
Data on program activity is available via a range of separate sources including excel spreadsheets, service provider quarterly reports and program specific IT applications.
A review of the available data and of metrics reported on by other assistive technology or similar programs will enable identification of relevant performance indicators.
The WAATS Data Dashboard will be used both to monitor program activity and to meet program performance reporting requirements.
The project would involve:
• Identification, if available, of metrics used to report on performance of assistive technology or similar programs in WA and other Australian jurisdictions.
• Review current WA Health assistive technology program data to determine components indicative of program performance.
• Develop a Power BI dashboard or similar, to collate WA Health program data and enable monitoring of and reporting on performance.
WA Health is now governed by the Health Services Act 2016.
The new legislation represents a significant reform in health, and is designed to modernise the way our health services are structured, governed and delivered; to promote better health, better care and better value to all Western Australians.
The legislation established the Department of Health as ‘System Manager’ for WA Health, providing stewardship, guidance and support to our health services using a collection of binding Policy Frameworks in 18 key areas of health service delivery, to ensure they provide consistent, efficient and effective services into the future.