Role Title: Data Analysis and Evaluation Intern
Organisation: NursePrac Australia
Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)
Location: Success
NursePrac Australia is a social enterprise dedicated to improve children's health outcomes through integrated healthcare and education within the community. We collaborate with various services and agencies to address illness, promote wellness, and improve social determinants of health for children and families across Western Australia.
We deliver a range of programs and services to meet gaps in healthcare provision, particularly for children and families living with higher levels of adversity. The role will review data from several of these programs (high school clinic, weight program and childcare centre in-reach), identifying key findings and making recommendations for meaningful data sets that usefully demonstrate our impact and efficacy.
Nurse Practitioner-led healthcare
Vision: Bridging gaps in healthcare systems to reduce inequality
Mission: Nurse practitioners tackling unmet health needs in the community