Pingelly's home respite and cottage respite Intern

Role Title: Pingelly's home respite and cottage respite Intern

Organisation: Pingelly Community Resource Centre on behalf of Pingelly Somerset Alliance Inc.

Internship Period: Summer (November - December)

Location: Pingelly

Role Description

The Pingelly Somerset Alliance Inc (PSA) is wanting to re-purpose an existing duplex owned by the PSA into a cottage respite facility and ensure that both cottage respite services and home respite services are available to local people.
The intern will - - research the overall Commonwealth policy about cottage and home respite services for older people in a rural location. - research and report on the special requirements for building approval for a cottage respite facility and give advice on how the existing duplex can be redeveloped to meet those requirements. -research and develop necessary policies and procedure to enable the respite service to attract Commonwealth cottage respite subsidies. - research how Commonwealth subsidies can be paid for home respite in Pingelly. - research and report on the potential revenue from all sources to subsidise the cost of both the cottage and home respite service. - research and identify the potential funding sources for the operation of the cottage respite service and the home respite service. - research and report on the potential costs of providing both cottage and home respite. - assist the CRC to consider options to ensure the viability of a cottage and home respite service for local people in Pingelly.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

"THE HUB OF OUR COMMUNITY" providing quality service and support that meets the diverse needs of the Pingelly Community.