Role Title: Pingelly's home respite and cottage respite Intern
Organisation: Pingelly Community Resource Centre on behalf of Pingelly Somerset Alliance Inc.
Internship Period: Summer (November - December)
Location: Pingelly
The Pingelly Somerset Alliance Inc (PSA) is wanting to re-purpose an existing duplex owned by the PSA into a cottage respite facility and ensure that both cottage respite services and home respite services are available to local people.
The intern will -
- research the overall Commonwealth policy about cottage and home respite services for older people in a rural location.
- research and report on the special requirements for building approval for a cottage respite facility and give advice on how the existing duplex can be redeveloped to meet those requirements.
-research and develop necessary policies and procedure to enable the respite service to attract Commonwealth cottage respite subsidies.
- research how Commonwealth subsidies can be paid for home respite in Pingelly.
- research and report on the potential revenue from all sources to subsidise the cost of both the cottage and home respite service.
- research and identify the potential funding sources for the operation of the cottage respite service and the home respite service.
- research and report on the potential costs of providing both cottage and home respite.
- assist the CRC to consider options to ensure the viability of a cottage and home respite service for local people in Pingelly.
"THE HUB OF OUR COMMUNITY" providing quality service and support that meets the diverse needs of the Pingelly Community.