Legal Intern, Telephone Advice Line Paralegal

Role Title: Legal Intern, Telephone Advice Line Paralegal

Organisation: Consumer Credit Legal Service WA (CCLSWA)

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: Perth

Role Description

TAL Paralegals take calls from West Australians around the State who seek information and support with their financial or consumer rights. Under the supervision and direction of a supervising solicitor they will:
- assess the callers’ situation - provide information and referrals or take instructions from callers - work with the supervising solicitor to prepare advice for callers, and - deliver advice to callers. All TAL Paralegals are supported with induction, ongoing training and the guidance of experienced solicitors.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

We are a Community Legal Centre and provide free legal advice the WA Community over the phone.
Vision: A strong community, empowered by fair and just, consumer and financial, rights and responsibilities Mission: To strengthen the consumer voice in WA by advocating for, and educating people about, consumer and financial, rights and responsibilities