Project Intern - STEM Strategy and Grant Programs Support

Role Title: Project Intern - STEM Strategy and Grant Programs Support

Organisation: Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Internship Period: Semester 1 (February - May)

Location: Perth CBD

Role Description

The Science and Innovation division within the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation manages the State STEM skills strategy, a number of grant and other funding programs supporting STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) engagement in Western Australia. This requires day-to-day program and contract management to manage this funding, and research to support the next phase of the strategy.
Your role will be to work with the Project Lead to conduct research tasks towards a refresh of the State STEM skills strategy and future initiatives, support the assessment of reports received from grant recipients, write file notes assessing these reports against agreed milestone reporting requirements and key performance indicators, and other communications such as briefing notes, memos and website text as required.



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

We lead Western Australia's economic development, international trade and investment, and tourism, and promote the defence, international education, science and innovation sectors. Our mission is to promote Western Australia and advance the diversification and growth of the State’s economy.