Role Title: Heritage Support Intern
Organisation: Department of Planning Lands and Heritage
Internship Period: Summer (November - December)
Location: Perth CBD
The project will be with DPLH, Heritage and Property Services, Specialist Team. It will focus on one of our public services inHerit ( our public heritage database.
A new record type - A Place within a Heritage Area, has recently been created for local governments to include additional heritage information relating to their Local Planning Policies for Heritage Areas which align with the Heritage Council's Heritage Area Guidelines.
The project will involve research into local government records, communication of the new function within inHerit and support for Local Governments to update their records with some undertaking of this work for them.
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage brings all land use and heritage responsibilities under the one umbrella to shape the future of our cities, regions and towns.
Responsible for state level land use planning and management, and oversight of Aboriginal cultural heritage and built heritage matters, the department supports three Ministers and administers a wide range of legislation.
We plan how to make best use of the State’s natural and built assets for the sustainable and responsible development of all Western Australian communities, through evidence-based research, integrated policy development and stakeholder engagement.