Grants and Fundraising Project Intern

Role Title: Grants and Fundraising Project Intern

Organisation: Association for Culturally Appropriate Services (AfCAS)

Internship Period: Semester 2 (July – October)

Location: Mt Lawley

Role Description

The role will work to:
- Learn about the Association for Culturally Appropriate Services (AfCAS) focus areas, strengths, concerns and capacity - Utilise the knowledge of AfCAS to identify suitable accessible funding sources - Research each of the funding sources to select the most accessible and aligned to priorities - Apply for at least one grant and develop at least one fundraising process - Conduct a pilot implementation of the fundraising process and evaluate to make adjustments to the fundraising process - Provide an ongoing implementation plan based on the learnings from the pilot



Organisation Focus Areas

Organisation Mission

AfCAS advocates, actively fosters and supports organisations to provide culturally appropriate services for the CALD population regardless of geographic location or diversity of needs. We aim:
To foster a collaborative approach to member organisations to provide culturally appropriate services Facilitate access to specialised services for member organisations to support CALD clients, e.g. translating and interpreting, financial/reporting services. To promote and support members to establish and deliver culturally appropriate services Build capacity of the CALD service sector to be resilient and sustainable To advocate for improved quality, accountability and accessibility for delivery of services to the CALD community To work in partnership with other key agencies to avoid duplication of CALD services and promote efficient use of available resources