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New public sector internships booklet released

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship has designed and published a booklet that highlights student and supervisor experiences in a variety of public sector internships.

26 June, 2020

UWA student intern helps disadvantaged community keep fit and healthy during lockdown

McCusker Centre for Citizenship student intern Raje Narang has been helping Reclink Australia member agencies keep fit and active during COVID-19 self-isolation.

23 June, 2020

Student intern’s research into international Housing First policies

Student intern Andrew Thomson completed a background research report as part of the Ombudsman’s current investigation into homelessness.

22 June, 2020

UWA student intern helps secure legal service funding for family and domestic violence victims

Thanks to McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern Christopher Simpson, Gosnells Community Legal Centre (GCLS) is one step closer to securing long-term funding to provide legal advice to Indigenous and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) victims of family and domestic violence.

17 June, 2020

Student intern contributes to Department of Education’s No Voice, No Violence campaign

Proposing ways the Department of Education could engage young people to be “upstanders not bystanders” in the face of bullying was a rewarding experience for McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern Daniel Chuah. 

11 June, 2020

UWA student moved by eye-opening internship at Legacy WA

The most challenging aspect of University of WA student Emily Scott’s recent internship at Legacy WA was hearing the first-hand experiences of those who have lost a loved one from war.

4 June, 2020

Perth Festival intern Alexandra makes her mark with carbon footprint project

University of WA Master of Professional Engineering student Alexandra Lyons conducted an environmental sustainability audit for the Perth Festival during her recent McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship.

23 May, 2020

Global reach for State Library of WA internship

The research project Lucy Craske worked on during her McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship at the State Library of WA had an impressive global reach.

20 May, 2020

UWA Medical Sciences student intern co-authors professional research paper

University of WA student Pooja Ramesh will be named as an author of the research paper she worked on during her recent internship at the Gender Diversity Service (GDS) at Perth Children’s Hospital. 

8 May, 2020

Global Exchange opens UWA student’s eyes to new possibilities

Conducting a research project into the development of mental health and wellbeing services at Queen’s University in the UK was an “eye-opening experience” for McCusker Centre for Citizenship global exchange student Riley Dolman.

7 May, 2020