Latest News

Internship helps student envision her future

Student intern Rosanna Radici says her life was "honestly changed" from her internship at Guide Dogs WA.

5 September, 2019

Internship dramatically changes student’s career plans

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship was "one big highlight" for University of WA student Sarah Durrant.

27 August, 2019

Intern helps make School Sleep Out a success

Miranda D’Silva says her 100-hour internship at Anglicare WA “just flew by” and finished much too soon.

23 August, 2019

Unplanned detour for first exchange student

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship has welcomed its first Matariki Network of Universities exchange student, Durham resident Evonne Baltrock-Nitzsche.

5 August, 2019

Eye-opening internship experience having a ‘yarn’ with Elders

Interning with the Wungening Aboriginal Corporation was both personally and professionally valuable for UWA student Hana Sarich.

31 July, 2019

Internship paves way for life after graduation

Through her internship at the WA Network of Alcohol and other Drugs, Cassandra Murphy learnt that advocacy is a pillar that stands together with research and practice.

29 July, 2019

Real-life intern experience trumps textbook study

UWA student Mackenzie Bougoure says her WA Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies internship was "one of the best learning experiences".

29 July, 2019

Global Citizen interns have big expectations for the Big Apple

The countdown is officially on for University of WA students Eloise Skoss and Brittany Quy before they jet to New York for the Global Citizen internship on July 31.

26 July, 2019

Student intern sees world in a different light

An internship with the McCusker Centre for Citizenship was the out-of-your-comfort-zone experience Alice Ingram didn’t even know she needed.

24 July, 2019

Internship transforms law student’s world view

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship internship made Juris Doctor student Julia Pedulla “completely re-think” her personal world view towards the Aboriginal community.

9 July, 2019