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"The issues are highly complex and there is no easy solution, but I have realised that I can still make an impact"

Henry Boulos spent his summer break completing a three week internship at the Youth Involvement Council Inc (YIC) which provides programs to young people who are considered at-risk of homelessness or in need of support in the Hedland and surrounding areas. 

15 March, 2019

2018 UWA Award for Excellence in Teaching Programs that Enhance Learning

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship was awarded the 2018 UWA Award for Excellence in Teaching Programs that Enhance Learning.

15 November, 2018

Internship an invaluable way to gain insight

Published in the North West Telegraph on 26 September 2018. Read how Jerone Downie assisted youth workers working with vulnerable young people at the Youth Involvement Council Inc

26 September, 2018

Exchange student helps make a UK University more inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities

UWA Commerce student, Ming Luo, undertook the McCusker Centre for Global Citizenship Exchange Program at Durham University, UK helping to increase accessibility, inclusion and employment for people with disabilities at the University.

22 August, 2018

Hear what our interns have to say

Since opening our doors in late 2016, over 460 interns have completed internships with the McCusker Centre for Citizenship contributing almost 50,000 hours to making a difference in our community. Our interns have been working with community and not-for-profit organisations in the greater metropolitan Perth as well as regionally, nationally and internationally.

12 July, 2018

Well Man app designed by McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern to improve lives of boys and men worldwide

WA Minister for Health, Honourable Roger Cook MLA, launches 'Well Man' app.

26 June, 2018

McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern helps Mission Australia improve drug and alcohol services for young people in the Pilbara and South West

UWA Science student, Emily Bell, exceeds Mission Australia's intern expectations.

29 May, 2018

McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern helps promote active citizenship in WA schools

UWA Science student, Rudri Amin, helps WA school students become community-minded leaders as part of Auspire - Australia Day WA's social inclusion programs.

28 May, 2018

"Stepping outside your comfort zone allows you to grow and realise your own abilities and capacity to be an active citizen."

UWA Commerce student, Thomas Saleh, helps Oxfam to promote self-determination, community engagement and produce positive outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

1 May, 2018

McCusker Centre for Citizenship intern assists Enable WA

UWA Arts student, Emma Young, travelled to Bunbury to intern with Enable WA, which provides quality, individualised support for people living with a disability in the South West of the State, and assisted them in mobilising clients to build stronger community connections.

26 April, 2018